Sunday, June 24, 2012

Making Latex Frames

To cover larger speakers to create bigger paint sculptures I decided to use Martin Klimas's idea of using a latex sheet wrapped around a frame.

Martin Klimas
 I first tried using a picture frame and masking tape to hold the latex, but it was difficult to stretch around the frame and the masking tape bonded with the latex after a few days.

I bought three sheets of latex off a fetish clothing website.  White, black and translucent all around 1x1m and 0.25mm thick.

I thought the best way to mount the latex would be with fly wire screen frame. 

 I measured out the length I wanted (I think it was around 145mm).  I cut eight lengths at a 45 degree angle with the indent on the shorter edge (the opposite way to what the picture is showing below).


I filed the corners to make sure there would be no sharp areas for the latex to rip and to make it look better.

 I pushed the corner pieces in and made the square frame.

I measured the latex to be an inch smaller then the frame and cut it to size.

 Cutting latex is really difficult because it is so stretchy.  I had to find a pair of scissors that had very sharp, but more importantly really close together blades that wouldn't let the latex stretch.

I also bought a Spline Roller to help push the rubber cord into the frame.

The roller did a great job of pushing the cord in evenly.  The latex was a little tighter then I wanted it to be and didn't flex as much as I was hoping around the speaker, but it will still do exactly what I want it too.

I made another frame with the other four frame edges and put black latex on that.  I also made the latex larger for it to be a little more stretchy.

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