Sunday, August 12, 2012

Camera Axe Broke

Ahhh just as I started to take photos the Camera Axe went a little haywire!  It ended up looking like this with parts of words missing and the active button wasn't working and the other controls were only functional some of the time.  I turned it on and off a few times and reset it, but it always ended up with a quick screen spasm and then a screen similar to this.  I first tried new batteries, but that wasn't the issue.

I removed it from its cover and connected it to the computer to reload the software to the Arduino.  Spent a good 2 hours trying to do this with no success.  In this time I had been onto the Camera Axe forums to see if anyone else had had any similar problems.  The only thing that seemed like it could have been related was a screen problem that was diagnosable through the voltages of the pins to the screen.

I measured the voltages but everything appeared to be normal!  So I put the Camera Axe back into its box and left it for the day.  This morning I had another look at it, but it was the same.  I came home from school with a few more ideas about what to search and other possible problems, but when I turned it on it was miraculously fixed!  The first thing I did was upload the new release of the Camera Axe 4 software (4.0 - 4.2).  I thankfully haven't had any problems since.

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