Sunday, August 12, 2012

XXL Paint Sculptures Take 2

Back down to the shed for the second try of the XXL paint sculptures.  I got an old pair of black shorts, ripped them up and used them as a backdrop to get almost pure black with no detail.

First photo, I think I turned the light on too quickly because there is a double exposure at the bottom and the second light had to have come at the end because the paint is a lot more spread out and it wasn't a miss fire of the flashes because the colour temp is too warm.  I like how you can trace the path of the paint sculpture to fall and create that second exposure.

This was the first photo I took as I was changing the frequency, volume and delay.  The volume was too low so didn't have an impact on the main body of paint.  The paint that shot into the air was also probably thinner.  I really like how it turned out!

The base was covered in red paint.

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